John XVII then and now
John XVII then and now. In Volzin, a conversation with Thomas about over fifteen years of Jan XVII. Features include Liber and the “Servant Hermit” vacancy.
John XVII then and now. In Volzin, a conversation with Thomas about over fifteen years of Jan XVII. Features include Liber and the “Servant Hermit” vacancy.
Our lives end in one great ‘disappointment’: our death. Which is more relevant now? Our opinion about that death, or the real fact of it?
Our Lady of the Silence, painted by Liesbeth Smulders for the chapel of ZeeVELD, commissioned by the Jan XVII Foundation.
‘Welcome to paradise’. Imagine a world where the news starts every night with these words. After which we only start to relate to the other things of the day in a second instance, and then from that consciousness.
“You have to be willing to be called crazy by everyone.” Click on the image for the interview with Thomas in Puur Magazine.
‘It is precisely setbacks that can put a person on the track of inner renewal’. An intriguing thought, right now. Click and read what Thomas says about it in Klooster magazine.
The Liber do-it-yourself coaching methodology explained in eight minutes. Click on the image to play this item.
Scared, angry, lonely or sad? Of course you can. But that doesn’t mean you have to wear that feeling. Spread your anxiety pants, panic shirt or worry skirt on your bed and let them tell their story. Click to read more.
‘…that I don’t coincide with what I think and feel: thanks to Liber I now understand.’ Click on the picture and read what Elke says about Liber.
When we build a house, we start at the beginning. Against all the laws of gravity, we start with our house of life at the roof. Not with the question marks, but with the exclamation marks of our existence. Click on the image to read more
Life has no meaning. Because life does not think in terms of ‘having’, but of giving. So life ‘has’ no meaning, but ‘creates’ meaning. In that life itself. Click on the image to continue reading.
He struggled with depression for years. To the point of suicidal. Until Liber crossed his path. And after only three weeks he could exclaim: ‘why didn’t I discover this sooner? Away with complaints!’ How is that possible? Read more here.
Thanks to Jan Versteegh, who also visited ZeeVELD for a candid conversation with Thomas for his book ‘Becoming happy in this way’. Click on the image and read on.
Who is actually at the controls of what you think and feel? And if you now say: ‘that is myself’, what or who is that, that ‘self’?
“Libert does not help you realize your desires, but to learn to evaluate them detached. In the process you move from delusion to reality. You discover that life is not a must, but a lover who wants to love you.” Curious about what Liber is and does? Click here to read the summary…
“Every Christian has to proclaim the gospel. Only if necessary with words’. Francis of Assisi said it, and the past few days I kept thinking
Anyone who fears that man as we now think of himself will perish is right, for the simple reason that he has not been given that right to exist. It is not ‘designed’ that way. (Read more here)
‘Our lives must fit within the framework that we have in mind for this’ I wrote in an earlier blog. That framework turns out to have a beautiful name: cognitive template…
What can make learning Liber so difficult: it consciously breaks down your self-image. The Pietje or Marietje that you have built so hard on. Yet: whoever feels called to be more expression of life than self-image, allows himself to be brought down.
To become silent is to become a woman. And mother. All willingness to love and receive every word; then to wait motionless and finally to give birth: the life-giving word. And again. And again.
To keep moving, whatever happens, that is the art. Not: to be a single chord, but to dare to embody all verses of the song that lives inside you…
This is the extended version of Exercise 2. The exercise takes just over an hour, which will allow you to create an additional word cloud and have more time and space to relate to…
If you stand with your nose on the ‘Night Watch’, you see a blob, a smudge, a stroke. Certainly not a painting to write home about. It only becomes that if you distance yourself from it…
Liber teaches you to live on two motors: the motor of your thinking, doing and letting go, striving, finding, feeling, wanting to know and expecting, AND those of your completely silent awareness of this…
The sacred wall in the chapel of ZeeVELD has been joined by Roy Lichtenstein. An image of his painting showing Donald Duck…
Simple Gifts, an old Shaker song, could be the house anthem of Liber learning. Read more about it and listen to the song by clicking on the image.
Based on an interview with psychotherapist Edith Eger, this blog talks about the importance of words. Click on the image to continue reading.
“All spirituality is about dying before we die and being reborn as our True Selves in Love,” writes Richard Rohr. Read more here.
Transitium ZeeVELD facilitates transition processes. The specialty of the house: the Liber detachment method. Lake…
The very, very last guest in the Bloeiplaats Transitium, was also the first, without it having been organized or conceived: Tamarah Benima, rabbi of the
Bloomplaats Transitium was given the time to reinvent itself for eighteen months. Like this one in Malve Dau and Marieke Hildenbrant also had two mothers.