Setback as a road to prosperity

‘It is precisely setbacks that can put a person on the track of inner renewal. You can emerge as wiser, more mature, however.’ Always an intriguing thought, but in these Corona times maybe we are completely. Read here what Thomas says about it in Klooster magazine.

Drying the laundry

Without a clothesline, hanging the laundry contemplatively becomes a bit difficult. So it’s great that Aaron recently put down some poles with lines in a

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Sharing fairer

And then the British referendum turned out to be a battle between haves and have nots. With the underlying existential question: do you expect to

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‘How did you get involved’, I am often asked, ‘that Liber do-it-yourself coaching method?’. ‘Psalm 51’, I say. ‘Psalm 51 and Allegri’. Click on the image to continue reading.

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Easter, Liber: exercise 2

If you stand with your nose on the ‘Night Watch’, you see a blob, a smudge, a stroke. Certainly not a painting to write home about. It only becomes that if you distance yourself from it…

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The fastest way is the detour

He struggled with depression for years. To the point of suicidal. Until Liber crossed his path. And after only three weeks he could exclaim: ‘why didn’t I discover this sooner? Away with complaints!’ How is that possible? Read more here.

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