John XVII then and now

Meanwhile, Thomas van Kleef has been at the helm of Jan XVII for more than fifteen years. In the magazine Volzin an interview with him. About the development he went through, about John XVII now, about Liber and about the vacancy “Servant Hermit.

Inn or stable

The greatest danger of excesses of excessive irrationality – Orlando, the murder of Jo Cox, a possible Brexit, presidential candidate Trump – is that they

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The demagogue in me

Every time President Trump says, ‘I am the solution’, I know again: yes indeed, in me the problem. Waking. There’s work to be done. Read more here…

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Welcome to Paradise

‘Welcome to paradise’. Imagine a world where the news starts every night with these words. After which we only start to relate to the other things of the day in a second instance, and then from that consciousness.

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