Artist's impression The Business of inner Renewal

The business of inner renewal

The business of inner renewal is our core business. The business of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the present.

But come March, the work of Jan XVII will be also be dedicated to the business of some structural renewal of the premises. Therefore, from February 29 thru March 31, 2022, ZeeVELD will be closed for business.

Saying goodbye to the old, welcoming the new

So first, let us give thanks to services rendered. And then let us say goodbye to two doors in the hallway now leading to a bathroom and shower, about to be transformed into three doors for three bathrooms. It will be a major step forward for those with business in the chapel.

Two doors will become three

In the refectory, a wall that up until now has made it its business to obstruct the view, is about to welcome a window. It will bring extra light and life into this room.

Blind wall will welcome a window

The door that in the annex used to lead to what, in former times, was our office, will make room for a wall. Because of this, groups sleeping in the annex, will not have to deal with the impression of ‘others’ being present in the house as well.

Door will become wall

The space behind the door will be converted into an in-house ‘tiny house’, with it own private entrance from the west garden. So the door no longer has any business in this wall. Moreover, the inside space is much  needed, as a new kitchenette, bathroom and shower with above it a sleeping loft, will be constructed here. Goodbye door!

Artist's impression new kitchenette and sleeping loft

Previous view Tiny House

Artit's impression view from tiny house ZeeVELD

Outside, work is already under way on the fountain that was getting too old to conduct its business properly. In it two small ‘waterfalls’ will be realised – think ‘eternity fountain’ – by adding a second water level.

Fountain ZeeVELD under restoration

And finally: The inner garden. The full southern exposure makes having lunch here in the summer sometimes too hot a business. Therefore, two opposing rows of sycamore trees will be planted here that will grow to offer more and more shade.

Dining terrace ZeeVELD without trees and shade

Being in the business of inner renewal

ZeeVELD’s raison d’être, our core business: the business of inner renewal. To facilitate our guests in saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new. To help them become present to the invitation of the moment.

This coming month, the building itself will show the way.

So see you in April! To once again help you say goodbye to the old and welcome the new.


Het management van dit bedrijf voelt zich hier thuis en het weerzien is warm. ‘Jullie kunnen hier wel een dependance vestigen’ grap ik. “Dat zou een goed idee zijn”, zegt de directeur, “een vluchtplek”. Lees hier verder.

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Zijn wie je bent

De notie ‘te zijn wie je bent’ is populair. Hoe je dat doet? Je zou zeggen dat spreekt voor zich. Maar dat valt toch tegen. Te zijn wie we zijn lukt ons alleen voor zover we ons zonder tegenstribbelen uitleveren aan wat het leven ons aanlevert.

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Jan XVII toen en nu

Jan XVII toen en nu. In Volzin een gesprek met Thomas over ruim vijftien jaar Jan XVII. Met onder meer aandacht voor Liber en de vacature ‘Dienend kluizenaar’.

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