Your jailor won’t show you the way out of the jail

A yoga retreat in the main house (20 persons), a solo retreat in the studio and three more guests in the renovated Janhuis – and yet, peace, quiet and serenity all around.

Or might this paradise-like atmosphere actually be the consequence of all these people literally retreating? Inwardly distancing themselves from that noisy ‘I process’ pretending to be our existence?

In as much as our inner life is not a paradise, it is because we allow ourselves to be held captive by this big pretender easily recognized by its inexhaustible appetite for blaming. Our parents, our youth, our trauma’s, our health, our circumstances – one thing our ego is really good at is finger pointing. So good in fact, that we all too readily believe this to be justified and take action to get rid of whatever our ego identifies as the cause of our unhappiness.

Stop letting your jailor show you the way out of the jail! Wake up! It is not in your ego’s interest to set you free.

Instead become like the perfect host for the fullness of your ‘I process’, actually welcoming rather than obeying, its blaming and finger pointing into your existence.

And your inner paradise lost, will manifest itself as a paradise regained.

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