The Wound is the Place where the Light enters you

Oh, how we hate unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and emotions! And thus set about to get rid of them as soon as we can, whenever they appear.

Understandable but not so smart. The essence of our happiness does not lie in our ability to make disappear what we don’t like, but in our courage to become fully present for it.

So next time something bothers you: take a deep breath and welcome, taste and digest the resulting physical sensations as if they were food for which you are hungry. Which then, oh, grand mystery, it indeed becomes.

Like attracts like. Knowing ourselves to be whole, healed, complete, is not conditional on us making the necessary repairs, but on our ability to make peace with whatever is broken in us. And in as far as we manage this, we will know ourselves to be just fine the way we are. Filled to the fullest by the peace that underlies all creation ‘and passes all understanding’. Very much Ok, even though not.

How to get there?

Empty your schedule, restrict your obligations, slow down your activities and create a degree of solitude to the point that your thoughts, feelings and emotions and your presence for them, can exist in sync.

Happiness is not something one can cause or create. The best you can do: becoming aware how you flee your unhappiness.

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