Transitium Phase 1 over

Bloomplaats Transitium was given the time to reinvent itself for eighteen months. Like this one in Malve Dau and Marieke Hildenbrant also had two mothers. Who, together with the team, watched over it and took care of it as if it were their own child. Whatever it became. An abundance of mother power made hundreds (!) here more home to themselves. Sometimes with some guidance, more often on your own. Or rather: by letting go.

What did not happen: there was not also sufficient father power to be able to guarantee this initiative financially. For exactly the reason that prompted the guests to come. We often heard from them ‘we can’t go anywhere else with our question’, from funds and lenders the response was often: ‘this does not fit in our target group policy’. So chicken and egg. All the more reason for praise for the Haella foundation, which thought the innovative character of the Transitium was reason for a generous donation.

Yet: the soft powers of endless love, attention and care lost out against the harder power of money. Antonius bought a much more wealthy organization. The Blooming Place must now close its doors.

How, where and when next? The experiences gained from the Blooming Place will be incorporated into a thorough evaluation. Patience, courage, policy and loyalty, but above all: an open ear and eye, will then certainly reveal to us the next steps to be taken. A miraculous discovery revealed last year that quite a lot can still be built on the ZeeVELD site, so who knows.

For now, however, the first leg of an adventurous journey is coming to an end. Guests, Malve, Marieke, team, on behalf of Jan XVII: thank you endlessly!

Transitium and avant!

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