About blooming and softening

Are blooming and softening related? Does one follow from the other or the other from the one? You would almost think so.

Year after year after year we surrounded house and garden with endless attention and love, and just when everything shines and shines like never before, has reached a state of ‘off’, gardener Jan proposes to exchange some clean lines in the orchard for a looser, smoother, ‘softer’ layout. And not because he ‘feel like it’, but because the garden itself indicated it: a number of apple and pear trees had had their day; was ready to make room for shrubs with edible flowers and flowering grass.

And so it is as if the outside world reflects what has been happening inside me for the past 15 years. Unnoticed, straight lines gave way to a more playful, softer, more agile layout. Or no, it is more nuanced. The straight and the curved line, the box and the spaciousness, the predictability and the adventure: little by little my heart dared to welcome the ‘and, and’ instead of the either or or.

As Benedict stated, so it also works: ‘As one progresses in monastic life and in faith, the heart expands’.

New poverty

‘You can’t arrange something like that with a referendum’, ‘the stayers campaigned poorly’, or ‘politics made it their own’ – reasons for the result of

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me, who am i?

When we build a house, we start at the beginning. Against all the laws of gravity, we start with our house of life at the roof. Not with the question marks, but with the exclamation marks of our existence. Click on the image to read more

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Drying the laundry

Without a clothesline, hanging the laundry contemplatively becomes a bit difficult. So it’s great that Aaron recently put down some poles with lines in a

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Who digs a pit

One day I want to write a book about tile truths. Or maybe organize a series of retreats based on that. Today’s turn: ‘whoever digs

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