Rob Schipper

Today would have been Rob Schipper’s birthday. Together with Ton de Nooy he founded Jan XVII. For years, Rob kept watch faithfully, also literally, in ZeeVELD so that the efforts of the foundation could take shape here. He passed away earlier this year.

As a tribute, we recently placed a commemorative plaque on the house he had built on the site.


Monk’s work described in one word: detachment. Dying to self is at the heart of the spiritual journey. Read here what the Franciscan friar Richard Rohr has to say about it.

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The meaning of life…in you

Life has no meaning. Because life does not think in terms of ‘having’, but of giving. So life ‘has’ no meaning, but ‘creates’ meaning. In that life itself. Click on the image to continue reading.

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me, who am i?

When we build a house, we start at the beginning. Against all the laws of gravity, we start with our house of life at the roof. Not with the question marks, but with the exclamation marks of our existence. Click on the image to read more

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