Prayer for the day after

For the acknowledgment, acceptance and full embrace of the loser in ourselves, we pray. So that our ears may be opened for the Life giving Word beyond all hurt.

For the acknowledgment, acceptance and full embrace of the fearful one in ourselves, we pray. So that our ears may be opened for the Life giving Word beyond all anxiety.

For the acknowledgment, acceptance and full embrace of the excluder in ourselves, we pray. So that our ears may be opened for the Life giving Word that speaks of inclusion only.

For the acknowledgment, acceptance and full embrace of our inaction, we pray. So that our ears may be opened for the Life giving Word enabling us to give shape to It’s will.

Life-giving Word. Founder and Foundation of the Politeia of justice to such a degree we call it ‘heaven’, help us first and foremost to acknowledge, accept and fully embrace our own inner drama. So that we may journey beyond it and be active participants in your program, your party and your state. Amen.

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