Sinterklaas in March? No, the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training has started again. Volume 2020, the first week in a series of three. Simrit, Marieke, Mira, Tim, trainees: Sat Nam!

Sinterklaas in March? No, the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training has started again. Volume 2020, the first week in a series of three. Simrit, Marieke, Mira, Tim, trainees: Sat Nam!
Never out of date: ‘The soft forces will certainly win’ * The soft powers will surely win in the end — this I hear like
To keep moving, whatever happens, that is the art. Not: to be a single chord, but to dare to embody all verses of the song that lives inside you…
The sacred wall in the chapel of ZeeVELD has been joined by Roy Lichtenstein. An image of his painting showing Donald Duck…
Forty years ago today, on August 12, 1976, the deed of incorporation of Jan XVII passed. Many can be thankful to the founders for the
In another beautiful addition to the site ‘All of Bach’ Dorien Schouten plays the chorale ‘Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten’. The text goes